The Fed, as we now know, got it right.
“In support of its goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 4-1/4 to 4-1/2 percent. “
No change in the rates out of the FOMC today.
But the “lying Left” is up to it’s old tricks. Mischaracterizing Trump as having “inherited a strong economy.” From the auto-Dope? AYFKM?
It’s as pant load. Made up of “fake growth” in areas like law-fare and Woke and 98-genders.
The inept Right is paralyzed because no one is able to articulate that Biden “growth” was made-up and mainly useless. He didn’t stem the core problem (which leads to tariffs being the bitter medicine that America now needs to swallow.
Here’s the ugly and bitter truth of Manufacturing employment.
Trump took office and almost immediately a bio weapon is loosed. My, what a coinky-dink. Trump did get the COVID relief going. But as for how “Slow Joe” left a “strong economy?”
So pardon us, if our idea of a strong economy is not adding 90-genders and pissing away storage and management time on pronoun protocols.
That ain’t a “strong economy” kiddies. It’s political bullshit and it’s heaped and dished allover mainstream. Unchallenged by phone freaks who can’t unplug long enough to keep up with reality.
Manufacturing matters. If people had the brains to A.I. it, they would find China’s fraction of manufacturing jobs is THREE TIMES OURS.
“?As of 2023, approximately 22.7% of China’s non-agricultural workforce is employed in the manufacturing sector, translating to over 120 million workers. In contrast, manufacturing jobs in the United States have declined over the years. In 2022, there were about 12.7 million manufacturing workers in the U.S., constituting approximately 8.3% of the total workforce. ?
Global Times
This comparison highlights that a significantly larger proportion of China’s workforce is engaged in manufacturing compared to the United States.”
Well, duh. The data speaks truth, I’m afraid. Left is setting up “bad rate cuts later” (with a chorus of “Joe’s strong economy” BS) while the right hopes for “good rate cuts later.” Can someone tell the clown posse party that hope isn’t a strategy, please?
The whole of the U.S. FinPress can’t come up with a clear vision of this, between the lot of ’em.
Glad I didn’t have a newsroom full of such idiots back in the day.
God help us!
PS: My personal pronoun is now “f**k off.” All others are obsolete. Manufacturing Matters. Pass it on.
Read the full article here