Can someone hand the President a doobie? Chill a minute. Look at some history, bro!
Yes – due for a bounce. But look at this trend package:
Fortunately, this is a “day off” and already I have a tractor repair under my belt for the day.
More on tomorrow.
But can someone mention the “Ship of State” needs a steady hand on the wheel? Wait for the helm to respond? Come up to new heading, then do something?
See, when you land an airplane *(which I have, thousands of times) one of the hardest disciplines is to not over-correct. If you do (get anxious) you can get into a land, over-correct-stall cycle that can break things. If you take a hard bounce, don’t pull back! Hold the nose steady…feel the plane, watch the horizon, adjust gradually and never jerk the controls.
Jerks are bad. Very, very bad.
Ask any Canadian. An even, confident hand is needed. Especially when there’s an ongoing continuing parade of True Dopes. Don’t JERK! Canada’s making their own.
Write when (yada, yada)…
Read the full article here